Mike Kasberg

Husband. Father. Software engineer. Ubuntu Linux user.

Mike's Blog

Notes to myself, shared with the world. A collection of projects, thoughts, and ideas — mostly about computers.

See all my blog posts, sorted by year, in my blog archive.

Automated Jekyll Deployments

08 Nov 2016 · Software Development

My last post was about using Jekyll as a podcasting platform. Now, I want to talk about how I set up automatic deployments with Jekyll. I’m deploying to a Dreamhost server, but the principles I applied should work for most servers that provide ssh access.

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Podcasting with Jekyll

21 Sep 2016 · Software Development

I recently did some volunteer work to upgrade the website for a podcast. I chose to re-write the site from scratch, but needed to migrate all of the existing content. After some research, I determined that Jekyll fit our needs best because:

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Chromium OS on a 2007 MacBook

28 May 2016 · Projects

Chromebooks are becoming more popular these days, and their simplicity is something that really appeals to me. I wanted a Chromebook, but not so much that I wanted to spend a lot of money to buy one. At the same time, I had an old 2007 MacBook lying around that was becoming nearly unusable because it was so slow. The version of macOS it was running was outdated, and I didn’t want to spend money on an upgrade for such a slow computer. So… I turned it into a Chromebook!

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How to Learn Vim: Vim Refcard

02 May 2015 · Projects

Vim Refcard on Github

I’m a huge fan of reference cards like the one Emacs provides. In fact, I think that a good reference card is probably the best way to learn a new software program. Whether it’s Vim or anything else.

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Make a Useful Budget in Mint

06 Jul 2014 · Thoughts & Ideas

Mint.com has always done a great job of showing me where I spent my money last week or last month, but until recently I was never able to figure out how to use it to tell me if I could afford to buy that new pair of shoes. To be really effective, a budget has to easily show me if I can afford to buy something I want.

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Boom Box Aux In Mod

10 May 2014 · Projects

I wanted to modify an old boom box so it could play my iPod with an auxiliary cable. It turned out really well, and it wasn’t too difficult to complete. Check it out!

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Loft Bed

08 Aug 2009 · Projects

When I searched for loft bed plans online, I didn’t find any freely available plans that I liked. I decided to make my own plans for a wooden loft bed, and I’m making these plans available for free. These plans may be used and redistributed freely under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License Creative Commons License.

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SkillsUSA 2008 Nationals

30 Jun 2008 · Projects

Nathan Witt and I won the bronze medal at SkillsUSA Nationals for 3D Animation in 2008. The challenge was to create an animation that modeled a given picture of a warehouse and showed something that couldn’t be seen in the original photo. See some of our renderings below.

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Suzuki GSXR

30 May 2008 · Projects

I created this Suzuki GSXR model using Autodesk Maya as part of the Digital Evolutions 3D modeling & animation program at Smoky Hill High School.

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Senior Demo Reel

29 May 2008 · Projects

This is my senior demo reel for the Digital Evolutions 3D modeling & animation program at Smoky Hill High School.

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Nissan Skyline

22 Jan 2008 · Projects

I created this 3D Nissan Skyline model during my junior year in the Digital Evolutions program at Smoky Hill High School.

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